Shade Umbrella Kit - BLACK-WHITE ADAPTER

SKU 00093
7 available
Product Details
Manufacturer Part Number: CKSUKBKWH

Let the items on your Cocktail Kickboards have it made in the shade!

Each Shade Umbrella Kit includes:

  • One Accessory Hub Adapter plug
  • One White 15-1/2inch Shade Umbrella
  • One 4-foot Drinkline Tether cord (color will match adapter)

Please note that the Accessory Hub Adapter plug can also be used to store your Skinny Can Adapters via its narrow top. Finally, it should be noted that you can also use your shade umbrella atop a Cocktail Kickboard Accessory Hub Table; simply pass the adapter's tether cord through the top of a normally mounted table and down through the middle of your Cocktail Kickboard.

PLEASE NOTE : The shade umbrella included is not manufactured by Cocktail Kickboards. We have tested it for function and it performs well at the task for which it is meant: to provide shade. This umbrella *IS NOT* made to withstand significant splashing, rain or large quantities of water, so please keep that in mind.

Of course, you will eventually need some replacements. These umbrellas can be ordered on Amazon, you just can't order one at a time. Often they can be purchased in quantities of 3, 6, or even 10 or more. PLEASE DO NOT order an entire kit from us just to get a new umbrella. It will be much more cost-effective to purchase a supply of umbrellas elsewhere. If you need help finding them, don't hesitate to reach out to us via email (info@cocktailkickboards.com).

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Shade Umbrella Kit - BLACK-WHITE ADAPTER
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